Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Little Bio on Me!

Well a small bit about me. Survival instinctive to me and all of us.  I had a friend that worked with me when I was about 19 or 20 years old. He had a copy of "American Survival Guide" I had read. I am now going on 45 years old. During the years I enjoyed most of the printings of it. Prior to reading them and learning other things over time. I have been into gardening,computers, hunting, fishing, electronics, camping etc; and learning many things a person could learn. I am a jack of many trades but, not all. I would like to learn from others.  I have had some time to use my outdoor skills in the trinity wilderness at age 22-24 years old. I spent 6 months the first time very new and hard time at it. Then went again for another 8 months, this time with some better supplies and a few new things to keep me busy and make things a lot easier. I have been around and had some life experience thru out my life.
Now days I am like most men, have gotten married, have children, grown a bit older and hopefully wiser; But I have become a bit rusty and maybe have gotten into a lazy way of living day to day life.  Sure I still store some extra supplies and water and read once in awhile on skills of survival.  Now on the front burner of the mind and not taking for granted anymore is not just everyday survival of life. It is a quality life of survival.  There are many aspects to survival in our current time.  Some persons think of just some supplies are all they need. Some believe they just need some weapons, others a knowledge of books. To others its gardening, or building some other skill. It is that all type of skills and trades are needed for quality survival.

The truth be said, for many when the lazy-boy stops vibrating and the remote control stops working it is the end of their own world. A time to get into trouble in invade someone's else.  There are natural and man made disasters that can happen at anytime. Survival really depends on a few things. Preparedness, Keeping a clear head and your wits about you, and community. Community could be family, friends, and maybe just someone your just met or trust around you or your family. Why, you might ask. Number one, no man or woman is an island to themselves. Examples ... I have a few.

Once alone I while I was doing something simple in the mountains by myself, I was cutting kindling for a fire and missed the wood I was chopping and cut through my thumb. It was 2 days before I could get any kind of outside medical help. Things did not turn out too bad for me but it could have. Case taken maybe I could have gotten a bad infection or what would have happened to me had I had cut an major artery and lost my blood. Me or even lets say someone else had a fall where legs could be broken or back injured. Way out in the middle of nowhere.  Just as easy as happening in the wilderness things could get bad in a city with riots, or the aftermath of some natural disaster.

Here we all have the opportunity to become a community. It takes the skills of a community to rebuild in any aftermath of any disaster. I could say jack of all trades, but that would not be true. I am just like the next guy, learned a lot of things that I cared to learn, and not cared too much about the rest. Until the real thought of survival it takes a lot of skills from a lot of different people to have good quality survival.  I hope to post some useful information that someone here will be able to use. I also look forward to learning some new stuff too. It has been a few years since I have done some heavy blogging and hope to do some catching up on new things as well as see some re-posting of some great things I have missed. Thanks all for reading my ramblings, post at you all soon.

Your Friend,

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