Saturday, July 23, 2011

Episode-705- An Interview with Travers Oliver of Backwoods Survival

From: July 19th, 2011 on  The Survival PodcastDisclaimers & Policies

Today we are joined by Travers Oliver, survival instructor for Backwoods Survival. Travers 16 years old with a great love for the outdoors and teaching others traditional and modern wilderness skills.

Today he joins us to discuss the importance of today’s youth experiencing the outdoors and learning bush-crafting / primitive techniques.

I also provide an update on the progress so far with the new AgriTrue standard. There isn’t much to see yet but a lot progress has been made thus far. I will need some assistance in talking to the existing community of growers to ensure the final product works for everyone.

Join me today as we discuss…

On AgriTrue
Why AgriTrue, why now
The basic over view of the new AgriTrue standard
The vision for AgriTrue
How a free market system can solve its own problems
Why Home Gardeners should be AgriTrue certified
Why disclosure is more important than a “standard”
Why all food production is meaningful
Then with Travers Oliver
The main goals of Backwoods Survival
How wilderness skills build confidence in daily life
The importance of teaching youth survival skills
How the internet has changed the way we learn
The items Travers feels should be part of wilderness EDC
The five wilderness skills every person should develop
What we can expect next from Backwoods Survival

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